Ardennes Update 1

This update corrects minor errors in the symbols and class values of the original module. The class value changes will not appear in games the are currently in progress.

Unzip the contents of this file into the folder where your module is (C:\ADC2\Game Sets\ I will over write the original scenario and symbol files.

If you have an questions please email me.

John Kincaid
17 MAR 04


(Optional update)
Addition of "2000 Christmas counters - Mareth Line scenario".
The files included in this update were provided by Paul A. Van Etten. He made them for his own use and agreed to post them for others if they were interested. A word of caution. If you add these to your Tunisia Module it will no longer be compatible with other sets unless they have also installed the files. This is not a big problem because all you have to do for an email game is to load the Tunisia module you purchased into another folder.
Unzip the file into the Tunisia folder and it will replace the existing files. It should have no affect on any game in progress.

Enjoy and thanks Paul.

Tunisia Christmas 2000 patch


For modules purchased prior to May 30 2002.
This patch will correct some errors I made in the Units on Zoom 2 and a line up problem between the ADC map hex names and the scanned map. This latter problem seems to have resulted because of version changes in ADC2 that occurred while this module was being made.

A note of concern, make sure you have ADC2 version 2.14 or greater. You can download this update from Everything may work fine if you do not update ADC2 but I am not sure.

The contents of this zip file can be place in your current FJ folder. It will not effect any games that are in progress and it will not matter if your opponent is using it or not.

Thanks and sorry for the inconvenience

Fallschirmjaeger Patch


A Fearful Slaughter ADC2 module.

This zip file will install a new map file in the folder that it is extracted into. It will overwrite the existing file. It will not affect any scenarios in progress.
The new map corrects a number of hexes that were originally identified as clear when they should have been woods hexes.